Click HERE to see the treasury up close along with the links to the shops that sell these beautiful items.
A few people have asked about how I seem to get treasuries so much, so I thought I would pass along the information that helped me figure out the 'secret' to getting a treasury.
First, it is helpful to read this post by Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/storque/how-to/how-to-make-a-treasury-the-nuts-and-bolts-688/
And Craftopolis is another helpful tool (although it is not always completely accurate so be sure just to use it as a guide). Click on the Treasury Clock tab to see an approximate time of when the treasury will open...which is when you will have a small opportunity to create one. Also, please note that there is also a Treasury West...it is not as well known about (so it does not tend to get as much exposure) but it is another place that you can create a treasury.
The treasury will open when the number drops to 332 (treasury west will open when the number drops to 221). In order to have a chance at getting a treasury, I recommend watching the treasury fairly closely once it gets down to 350 as people often delete their treasuries which will bring the number down to 332 faster than what the treasury or Craftopolis may indicate.
Now for the biggest secret to success! Once the treasury is at 333 no one is able to delete a treasury so whatever it says the time remaining is on that top treasury on the first page, that is when it will expire and the treasury will drop momentarily down to 332 and you can snag a treasury. It is very important that you do not refresh the treasury page as you are likely to refresh and have missed the opening. However, the big trick is to scroll down to the bottom of the treasury screen (you must be signed in to Etsy too) when there is only 1 or 2 minutes left and slowly click back and forth between the treasury pages, keeping an eye out for the blank box that will pop up for you to type your treasury title into. If you just sit on page one of the treasury until it expires you will likely be able to get a treasury but by clicking between page 5 and 1 or 3 and 1, etc. there supposedly is a slight lag from the last treasury expiring to the new treasury box popping up and switching between the pages seems to avoid the lag and catch the exact moment that the treasury opens up.
Now you can make your treasury! I usually bookmark some items ahead of time that I think will make for a nice treasury. You can also use Etsy's Poster Sketch Tool to organize your items ahead of time. All you need to enter items into the treasury are the listing numbers for each item...just copy and paste them into your treasury.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments section. And if you finally score your first treasury because of this information, I'd love to see it so please come back and share the link with me! Treasury West is opening up soon...good luck! :)

Thanks kerry that was a really helpful post! I've wanted to do a treasury for a while though featuring in it would probably be even better!
Beautiful color combo and love the items. Thanks for the tip.
Very kewl! I'm glad you shared the secret! I can't wait to try. I've never been successful before. I just tried on lunch break and they've got us firewalled. Dag nab it, will have to wait til this evening!
What a great blog. I have enjoyed your cards and designs so much. Thank you for letting me visit.
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